Great Fullness

Simple living allows gratitude to arise more easily.  The more we let go of the things we don't need, the more space there is for what is essential to expand...  for Spirit to fill us. It seems more important than ever in these times of squaring our spiritual values with sparse economic means, to choose that which truly fulfills us over that which impoverishes us.  We have all had the experience of lusting after more, out of an internal sense of not enough. The harvest of these desires does not feed us. Only disappointment follows because getting the "stuff" only temporarily numbs a deeper need.

The antidote to "not enough" is gratefulness. It turns the economics of greed upside down, by showing us that less can be more.  As Brother David said, "The smaller we make the container of our need; the sooner comes the overflow that becomes our delight."

Abundant blessings,

Rev. Larry